Greatest Hits Radio – An exciting journey despite the challenges of lockdown


A year really is a long time in Radio. Since the First Friday Club last met The Breeze has rebranded as Greatest Hits Radio having been acquired by Bauer Media, the largest independently owned media company in the world. It’s been an exciting journey despite the challenges of lockdown. Greatest Hits Radio in Berkshire & north Hampshire continues to provide comprehensive local news, travel and weather.

Greatest Hits Radio in Berkshire & north Hampshire continues to provide comprehensive local news, travel and weather.

During the various lockdown people have turned to radio for company to entertain and inform them. Here are some stats from the past year:

  • 8 out of 10 people say they trust news on radio more than any other medium.

  • 80% of listeners find radio a reliable source for local and regular updates.

  • 72% have realised how they rely on radio to provide news relevant about the area they live in!

SOURCES: Radiocentre/DRG 2020; Touchpoints 2020; OFCOM Media Nations 2020; Bauer Insiders panel 2020, Bauer Audiometrix/Looker Radio.

Streaming data November 2020 Source:. *26% of people who were still listening to the radio say they are listening more (OFCOM Media Nations report). 

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